Thursday, April 9, 2015

ED270-day1- 04/03/2015

Day 1:

Today was get to the know the class day. I was introduced to a lot of different websites that would help me when I become a teacher. The two that we explored where BigHugeLabs and Go2Web20. These websites where kinda of like search engines.

BigHugeLabs: a place where you can incorporate fun ideas into our classroom straight from the website. Ex: name tags, geography, color pallets. I found Maps was fun because you could search for specifics like where do tigers live? Where are the mountains in the world? After exploring maps on the BigHugeLabs I wanted to see if there where other websites that might be more simpler for elementary students, and I did find a more simpler one... National Geographic has a awesome mapmaker where you can layer a map with different types of animals or other topics.

Go2Web20: is a website that leads you to other websites that you are looking for. It makes it easy to search for specifics. Ex: I am a teacher that is looking for a website for my 4th grade class to play math games and practice what we learned that week. I can narrow my search by clicking on the specifics that I need, like teachers and math. Then a list of websites that fit my search come up and I am free to explore.

Today we built our own blogs that we will be posting in every week.

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