Friday, May 8, 2015

ED270- day6- 5/8/2015

Week 6:

Class started out by first talking about the Eight Guidelines for classrooms and media literacy. After reading the article, we broke up into groups of two and each group had one guideline to come up with questions.  Socrative is a website for teachers and students where teachers can quiz their students online and see the results on the board. So, each group came up with questions and asked the class.

Our next project is a podcast. As a class, we spent some time on iTunes looking at different types of podcasting that out in the world. I found some that would be useful in classrooms, for example famous speeches from the past that can be used in a history course. Another classmate found videos of the plate tectonics and showing how they move, which would be a helpful video in a 5th grade class. 

At the end of our class, we were introduced to our next project: making a 2 to 3 minute podcast. We will be using Garage Band to record ourselves. Right about now, I have no idea what I want to do. Some people might be reading books, give information about a certain topic, and or just talk.

Until next week my fellow friends!

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